????The American Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is looking for Coaches (Sept. 27th, 2023; München area)

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The American Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) will have an Innovation Day coaching session on September 27, 11am – 1pm as part of the *WSI (World Series of Innovation) program in Munich and are looking for coaches.

These volunteers do not need any technical skills related to business or entrepreneurship – just an interest in helping young people come up with a compelling idea.

?If this is something you could help with, send a message to us HERE and we will send you additional info.


Every fall, the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) launches a new set of challenges in the NFTE World Series of Innovation (WSI).

NFTE hosts World Series of Innovation (WSI) as part of their commitment to the Global Entrepreneurship Network and the annual celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The best entries win cash prizes and anyone between the ages of 13 and 24 is eligible to enter.

NFTE partners with thousands of schools, youth development organizations and community groups in communities across the U.S. and abroad to offer a unique set of high-impact entrepreneurship education programs based on our innovative, experiential curriculum, which integrates lean startup tools and methodologies with project-based learning. Since their founding, they’ve served well over a million students.


If this is something you could help with, send a message to us HERE and we will send you additional info.




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