School of Startups: How to Raise Capital for Your Startup?

Raising capital for your startup can be a challenging process, but it is a necessary step in launching and growing your business. By exploring different ...

🇺🇸🇩🇪The American Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is looking for Coaches (Sept. 27th, 2023; München area)

The American Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) will have an Innovation Day coaching session on September 27, 11am - 1pm as part of the *WSI (World ...

Unlocking the Potential of NFTs: A Revolutionary Blend of Blockchain and Creativity

NFTs have become a gateway to new frontiers of creativity and funding. Companies can leverage the power of blockchain technology to engage with a global ...

Featured Founder
🇱🇹Tomas Lekavičius of OVC Consulting trained and consulted over 1000 managers on leadership and performance

The bigger the problem you solve, the better results you will get. Stay curious, keep learning, add value, understand your customers' needs, gather feedback, ...

🇺🇸 Best Practices of Salespeople: Insights from Mike Bosworth and David Rosen – Video podcast

The best practices of salespeople encompass intuition, storytelling, effective discovery, customer-centricity, and strong leadership. As Mike Bosworth and ...

🇩🇪 EWOR – a 10 month, fully-sponsored Fellowship programme – APPLY NOW!

You will join a community of outstanding peers and meet our network of unicorn founders, investors, experts, and global CEOs. We look for great individuals, ...

🇨🇭 Discover the ITC’s SheTrades Online Learning Platform!

This month ITC features one of the ITC's SheTrades Virtual Learning Space (VLS). The SheTrades VLS is an online learning platform dedicated to women ...

🇸🇮 OPEN CALL – Mentoring program for Startups & SME – ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!

Meet the Mentors - APPLY NOW! - Your journey as an entrepreneur is one that can sometimes feel lonely and uncertain. Once you start your business, there is no ...

🇫🇷 Bring your startup to the next level with Incubateur HEC Paris – Apply by 13th June 2022

L'Incubateur HEC Paris is currently recruiting its next batch of startups for September 2022! The L'Incubateur HEC Paris expertise lies in the quality of their ...

Business Observer24 - News and Business accelerator for the Next generation of Entrepreneurs.