Our clients choose our services for:
- achieving a higher response rate from customers with our optimized PR content.
- getting their own copyrighted professional PR content in English to use as they see fit.
- getting qualified leads directly to their Inbox with the help of the BO24 agents and our interactive articles.
Submitting your materials or publishing your article is quite simple.
First, you need to be registered* in order to upload your material to our news portal. To do so, click on the SUBMIT HERE button in the upper right corner.
* If you have not registered yet – you have to register first! – > Just click on “Register” and enter your data.
Choose your service
The next step is to choose the service of your choice. You can choose from 4 types of services (4 types of articles). Each submitted article will be reviewed and edited before publication.
There are 4 types of interactive articles you can buy and submit:
– PR & Brand Awareness (to start building brand awareness and public relations).
– ePitch (to showcase yourself and connect with customers and investors).
– Product review (to get feedback on your solution)
– Sales promotion (to sell directly to your customers, with coupons, limited time offers, etc.)
For each type of item there is a description and a price. You can check the services here first!
Click on the type of service you want and complete the purchase to unlock your submission. If you have a valid coupon for a specific service, this is the right time to redeem it!
Upload your materials
Then you upload the material. This is the same as sending an email – you enter the title and content, upload an image, etc. and at the end you schedule the publication. You enter your DATE and TIME and click SCHEDULE. Our editors will review your submission and get back to you within 24 hours with the edited version.
**Edited version means that your article has been professionally edited, with grammar corrected, paraphrasing, meaning and overall presentation of the business model reviewed. The edited article is the property of the client and can be used by Business Observer24 according to the terms of use.
Submission examples: