EIT Urban Mobility – Open Innovation Call for Proposals – Apply by 7 June 2023

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Open Innovation Call for Proposals

At EIT Urban Mobility, our mission is to accelerate change towards a sustainable mobility model for liveable urban spaces. In the current context of climate emergency, our objective is to support our community of innovators to develop solutions that help mitigate and adapt to climate change and, at the same time, are able to improve the quality of life of our cities, create jobs and strengthen the European mobility sector.

To this end, the primary emphasis of our Innovation Programme for 2023-25 is to radically advance commercially viable solutions/services/products that support this mission and those goals.

Since 2020, we have a growing portfolio of projects to support agile and collaborative mobility projects across Europe. We work with innovators in city administrations, research organisations and businesses, to strengthen the urban mobility ecosystem.

The focus of our 2024 Call is on three Challenge Areas: Sustainable City Logistics, Energy and Mobility, and Future Mobility. Whilst addressing these challenges, we seek proposals that tackle the most pressing issues facing public, private or hybrid mass transit providers. Nonetheless, we remain open to excellent proposals from other providers within the urban mobility arena.

In this Call, we align with the aims and objectives of the Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. The EU Mission challenges cities to accelerate their digital, energy and mobility transformations through urban mobility experimentation supporting the race to Net Zero. Moreover, we support active alignment with the European Technology Platform – ALICE in relation to the Sustainable City Logistics challenge area.

We look forward to broadening our partnership and our portfolio of entrepreneurial innovation projects.

Main features of the call (aim and challenges)

The overall purpose of the Innovation Programme is to resolve challenges facing European cities in improving citizens’ lives, by bringing innovations to market. We support projects that are close-to-market, capable of testing new solutions in real-life city demonstrations and that can attain commercial viability by the end of the project.

The EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025 defines nine Challenge Areas that stem from over 250+ urban mobility challenges identified by cities across Europe. For this Call, three Challenge Areas are prioritised:

  • Sustainable City Logistics
  • Mobility & Energy
  • Future Mobility

Within these Challenge Areas, we encourage the participation of public, private or hybrid mass transit providers to drive pan-European innovation, testing and validating of new transport services and improved operations.

We also align with the  objectives of the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. As such any of the 112 cities committed to Net Zero climate neutrality by 2030 are encouraged to apply. Transport and mobility are one of the main sectors cities must address to reach climate neutrality. In alignment with the Cities Mission’s cross-sectoral and demand-led approach, we support citiesto act to deliver on their commitments and action plans laid out in their Climate City Contracts.

Contact details

Type of contact Team Email
For legal, financial and administrative procedures, including questions about PLAZA submission tool Programme Management Office (PMO) pmo@eiturbanmobility.eu
For content, topic-related related questions Innovation Team innovationcall2024@eiturbanmobility.eu


EIT Urban Mobility will host online information sessions from 17 to 20 of April 2023 focused on the Call content, the challenges, and requirements, as well as on the general procedures, such as the submission and evaluation process and the PLAZA submission tool.

To register for the webinars, please visit the following website.

Call summary

Call for Proposals Main Features
Key dates of the Call calendar[1] Call opening: 6 April 2023
Call closure: 7 June 2023 at 17:00 CET
Eligibility and admissibility check: June 2023
External evaluation of proposals (1st stage): July-August 2023
Invitations to hearings (2nd Stage): September 2023
Hearings: October 2023
Communication of results: October-November 2023
Tentative start of the projects: 1 January 2024
Total estimated EIT Funding allocated to this Call 8M EUR
Link to the submission portal PLAZA platform will be available as of 20 April 2023
List of documents to be submitted Application form available on the PLAZA platform, including Annexes (Business model canvas and Financial plan)A declaration from the actual city/municipal government only if applicable (see section 5)
List of documents to take into consideration – Call Manual
– EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda 2021-2027
– List of KPIs for Innovation
– Guidelines for Applicants (available soon)
– Eligibility of expenditure
– Appeal procedure
– Project Implementation Handbook
– Financial Support Agreement template
– Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement
– Business model canvas template
– Financial plan template
Short summary of the topics to be addressed Sustainable City Logistics: operational, shared or brokerage services, business modelling, technological innovations in urban logistics.

Energy and Mobility: the uptake of zero-emission and clean energy solutions that decarbonise urban transport provision.

Future Mobility: New digital devices or products capable of improving how we live, work, and move within cities.

Evaluation criteria (1st stage) For the Strategic Fit evaluation:
– Contribution to EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Objectives
– Aligned with the specific
– Call requirements under which the proposal was submitted.
– Has the potential to achieve the expected outcomes and impacts

For the full proposal evaluation:
– Excellence: novelty and innovation
– Impact: social, economic, financial, and general sustainability
– Quality and efficiency of the implementation, including sound financial

Portfolio selection criteria (2nd stage) Outcomes of the hearing, pitch and responses
– Business intelligence, including applicants track record and viability
– EU dimension
– Portfolio fit, complementarity of the proposal and relevance of the

[1] Please note that this calendar is indicative. Dates might be subject to slight changes.

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