I would give this product a solid 4 out of 5. It’s something we needed, especially now with the pandemic and the need to regularly disinfect items we carry around all day. I also like the versatility of this bag as it can be used for multiple purposes. The simplicity of this bag is a big plus. The only thing I miss is different designs, but I believe those will be coming soon. Finally, I would also like to praise the company’s refund policy and discounts!
I would give this product a solid 4 out of 5. It’s something we needed, especially now with the pandemic and the need to regularly disinfect items we carry around all day. I also like the versatility of this bag as it can be used for multiple purposes. The simplicity of this bag is a big plus. The only thing I miss is different designs, but I believe those will be coming soon. Finally, I would also like to praise the company’s refund policy and discounts!